Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Penelope is the 5th Beatle

You know I love to change the words to songs. Today Yesterday came up in my shuffling of songs...

I let AssClowns get into my way,
Now it looks as though they’re married or gay,
Oh, Google them before you play...

I'm not as naive as I used to be,
Now that the AssClowns stay away from me,
Oh, busted them so suddenly.

Why they
Had to be AssClowns, I don't know, they wouldn't say.
I said,
I Googled you, now I long for you to go away.

I let AssClowns get into my way,
Now it looks as though they’re married or gay,
Oh, Google them before you play...

Why they
Had to be AssClowns I don't know, they wouldn't say.
I said,
I Googled you, now I long for you to go away.



  1. So funny. I'll never hear that song the same way again.

  2. I believe my genius is wasted in my present job. Just sayin'


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